Какой формат dat файла в Code Composer Studio??
Эту информацию я нашел только в старом даташите за 2000 год на Code Composer Studio Literature Number: SPRU328B. Вот ссылка .
В этой ссылке подробно описаны возможности Композера, в том числе по работе с Graph tool, формат dat Файла. На всякий случай (если ссылка перестанет работать) приведут формат у себя в блоге:
5.1.2 Data File Formats
The commands File->Data->Load, File->Data->Store, and File->File I/O all
use the file formats: COFF and Code Composer Studio data file.
COFF. Binary file that uses Common Object File Format (COFF). This is the
most compact way of storing large blocks of data from the PC.
Code Composer Studio data file. Text file that uses one line of header
information and stores the data as one sample per line. The data can be in
any of the following formats:
t Hexadecimal
t Integer
t Long
t Float
The header information for data files uses the following syntax, where items
in italics are variables:
MagicNumber Format Starting Address PageNum Length
MagicNumber Fixed at 1651.
Format A number from 1 to 4, indicating the format of the
samples in the file. This number represents a data
format: hexadecimal, integer, long, or float.
StartingAddress The starting address of the block that was saved.
PageNum The page number the block was taken from.
Length The number of samples in the block.
All header values are assumed to be TI-style hexadecimal values.
The following is an example of a Code Composer Studio data file:
1651 1 800 1 100x0000
Note: Header Information Override
Header values specify only the default address and length. When you use
the File->Data->Load command to load a file into memory, the Code
Composer Studio debugger gives you a chance to override these values.
When using the Code Composer Studio data file format with file I/O
capabilities, any information you enter in the File I/O dialog box (Address
and Length) automatically overrides the Code Composer Studio data file
header information. You do not need to set the header information for each
file as long as the header includes the following value: 1651 1 0 0 0.
Спасибо за нужную и труднодоступную информацию.